
  • Akihiko FUJIMURA Patent Attorney, CEO

Technical Staff

LEXT, P.C. has 1 legal professionals and 7 technical staff members. All of them have proper degrees, and many have experience in the technical or R&D department of major corporations in Japan before joining the firm. Most of them have more than ten years of experience in patent practice. They are ready to offer their expertise both in technical and practical aspects of IP practice. Needless to say, they have a good command of English
Their technical background ranges over telecommunication systems, data transmission techniques, semiconductor devices, image processing and display systems, electrical devices such as switches and breakers, computer-related network systems, chemical substances including photo-electric materials, automobile engines and drive trains, sensors, audio-video equipment, and various optical devices.

Computerized Management

Every IP matter entrusted to us is tracked on an electronic docket, which indicates current status of individual cases and schedules responses and actions for several months ahead. Filing an application is also done electronically. In our firm office work is systematized for providing accurate and efficient service.

Reliable Legal Advisor

LEXT, P.C. is making every effort to monitor and collect information of various IP developments in Japan as well as foreign countries or regions so that we may always be able to give correct advice to our clients.
We will keep you up-to-date with new developments of IP-related matters inside Japan such as revisions of the laws and guidelines and important decisions made at the courts by sending circulars. Some of them are also available on our website.