Areas of Practice

Technical Field

At the time of foundation, LEXT, P.C. mainly dealt with the fields of electronics, electronic control, and automobiles. With the increase in our technical staff, the fields of our practice also expanded.
Currently we deal with:

  • communications(e.g. telecommunication systems, and data transmission techniques)
  • semiconductor devices
  • image processing, display systems
  • electrical devices(e.g. switches, breakers)
  • computer-related network systems
  • software
  • chemical substances(e.g. photo-electric materials)
  • automobile engines, drive trains, body structure
  • audio-video equipment
  • optical sensors
  • various optical devices

Patents,Utility Models,Designs & Trademarks

Specific areas of our services include:

  • searching of novelty, legal status and various subjects
  • Filing a patent/utility model/design/trademark application
  • Amendment after filing or conversion of an application
  • Demanding a trial against Examiner's decision of refusal
  • Instituting legal proceedings at the Tokyo High Court against the trial decision
  • Maintenance of a patent/utility model/design/trademark right
    *We also deal with service marks.

Consulting and Legal Opinions

If you have an idea which you think may be patentable, please consult us.
Usually, what an inventor presents is a technical result that he has achieved. However, a technical achievement itself is not a subject of protection by the patent law. It is only after an invention is "dug out," extracted correctly from a technical achievement and defined by words in the form of a specification and claims that a patent right can be construed by the words.
We meet and interview with the inventor, analyze the invention and consider all possible ways of obtaining protection.
If you are involved in a dispute, we will advise you on how to settle it to your advantage. We can also carry the prosecution on your behalf.


  • Action of annulment of the trial decision:
    In cooperation with our advisory patent attorneys experienced in litigation against the JPO, we will prosecute the preparation flawlessly.
  • Infringement:
    We work in cooperation with a lawyer of our acquaintance.

Face to face communication

We attach great importance on "talking face to face." It is essential not only reading the documents carefully but talking with the inventor himself to grasp the invention accurately and produce a specification and claims of the highest quality.
We also have an interview with the examiner of the JPO as frequently as possible to facilitate early acquisition of a right.